2024 FeAT國際學術研討會徵稿訊息


2024年05月03日 (五) | 銘傳大學基河校區


臺灣財務工程學會與銘傳大學財務金融學系將於2024年05月03日 (五) 舉辦「2024臺灣財務工程學會年會暨國際學術研討會」,以「人工智慧、綠色金融與投資決策」為大會主題。本次研討會特邀國際知名學者-Ghon Rhee (美國夏威夷大學商學院國際金融與財務系教授、Pacific Basin Finance Journal 創刊總編輯) 擔任大會專題主講人。另聘請Donald Lien (美國德州大學聖安東尼奧分校商學院講座教授) 與產、官、學界之專業人士擔任實務座談嘉賓,針對ESG與金融科技進行深入探討。此外,入選本次研討會之英文文稿得於會後同時投稿至Pacific Basin Finance Journal或中山管理評論特刊。隨文檢附研討會海報,相關資訊請參閱2024 FeAT研討會網站,期盼學術先進共襄盛舉,踴躍投稿!!



















·其他 (與金融市場數據分析相關主題)


本研討會採論文全文方式投稿,請將論文全文傳至投稿系統,繳交截止日為2024年02月29日 ()。稿件格式中、英文皆可,論文投稿資格須共同作者之一為臺灣財務工程學會當年度 (2024年) 付費個人或永久會員,不符資格將不進入審查程序。


Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ) 及中山管理評論將提供本次研討會特刊,投稿英文稿件並以英文報告者,可選擇於研討會結束後投稿至上述特刊,相關投稿資訊詳於下列網址:

·Pacific-Basin Finance Journal



·論文全文投稿截止日:2024/02/29 (四)

·論文接受通知日:2024/03/31 (日)

·網路報名截止日:2024/04/15 (一)

·會議舉辦日:2024/05/03 (五)




聯繫人:朱民芮 助理教授

Tel: 02-2882-4564 ext. 2630

E-mail: 2024feat@mail.mcu.edu.tw


2024 Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT)

Annual Meeting and International Conference

3rd May, 2024 | Jihe Campus, Ming Chuan University

Call for Papers

Scope & Topics

With the emergence of the net zero era, Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT) is pleased to announce conference on “2024 FeAT International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Green Finance, and Investments”, co-organized by Department of Finance, Ming Chuan University on May 3rd, 2024. The conference theme is to facilitate the convergence of scholars, professionals, and policymakers, who will present their research outcomes and engage in deliberations on contemporary and complex matters pertaining to the intersection of artificial intelligence, green finance, and investment decision-making. We cordially invite submissions of exceptional quality that tackle the challenges and explore the opportunities associated with financial aspects of climate and related risks, ESG associated with the performance, investment, and measurement/ratings, and harnessing artificial intelligence techniques in the finance domains specific to the Asia Pacific region.

Topics include but not restricted to:

·Financial disclosure, assessment, and management of climate risk

·Connectedness of environmental risks

·Impact of ecological investment in green R&D on firm performance

·Analysis the impact of carbon emissions on investment returns

·The asset pricing and investment performance of ESG stock portfolios

·Role of ESG information on decision making of capital market participants

·Real effects of ESG and investing on firm behaviors

·Data analysis, machine learning, and AI techniques

·Modelling and forecasting asset returns and volatility

·Quantitative trading and investment

·Financial market structure and microstructure

·Empirical evidence on derivatives markets

·Cryptocurrency and FX markets

·Financial technology (FinTech)

·Empirical issue related to asset pricing and investment

·Empirical issue related to corporate finance

·Other topics related to data analysis in financial markets

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission System by 29th February, 2024. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. Submitted papers can be written in either English or Chinese, and presentations can be made in either language. Each paper submission must have at least one author who is a valid member of FeAT.

Special Issue

Authors presenting at the conference are welcome to submit their papers to the special issues:

·Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

·Sun Yat-sen Management Review

Important Dates

·Submission Deadline: 29th February, 2024

·Notification Deadline: 31st March, 2024

·Registration Deadline: 15th April, 2024

·Conference Date: 3rd May, 2024

For more information, please find the Call for Papers as the attached file.

Best regards,

2024 FeAT Conference Organizing Committee

Correspondent: Min-Rui Choo

Tel: 02-2882-4564 ext. 2630

E-mail: 2024feat@mail.mcu.edu.tw

Conference Website: https://2024feat.mcu.edu.tw